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- Written by: Anna-Maria
This is one of my favourite cakes from the UK. With the combination of cake and marzipan, what is there not to love? This cake is always ready for a photo shoot!

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- Written by: Anna-Maria
A lovely traditional English "trimming" to a roast dinner or any other meat dish. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter wouldn't be the same without them.

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- Written by: Anna-Maria
There's nothing as good as an old-fashioned cream tea in a little tea shop in the south of England. Unfortunately in Calgary there are no such places so I decided to recreate my own version for my family.

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- Written by: Anna-Maria
A hearty soup that can be served both hot and cold.

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- Written by: Anna-Maria
Frittata is a sort of Italian omelette, made with potato, onion and egg. It's a nice dish that I tend to cook more in the summer than in the winter.