These make a nice Easter treat, but you can adapt them for any occasion with different sweets or decorations.
For 12 nests:
- 80g/3oz Cornflakes
- 225g/8oz Semi-Sweet Cooking Chocolate
- 110g/4oz Salted Butter
- 2 Tablespoons Golden Syrup
1. Chop the chocolate into smallish pieces. Put it into a heat-proof bowl with the butter and golden syrup, and put it over a pan of boiling water (but DON'T let the water touch the bottom of the bowl) to melt the mixture. (This is a Bain Marie)
2. When the mixture is melted, combine with the cornflakes in a bowl and mix thoroughly.
3. Put the mixture into paper cake cups in a muffin tin and decorate with Smarties or small chocolate eggs, for example. Leave to set.
Serving suggestions: I use semi-sweet chocolate, but you could use any other good quality cooking chocolate that you like. You can also make this as one large cake in a lined 8" cake pan.