Antipasta, created by Anna-Maria Ross. Copyright 2018 Anna-Maria Ross, all rights reserved.
Anti-pasta / Antipasta / Antepasta / Antipasti - However you spell it, it's a great way to start a special family meal!
Chocolate Easter Nests
Chocolate Easter Nests

These make a nice Easter treat, but you can adapt them for any occasion with different sweets or decorations.


For 12 nests:

  • 80g/3oz Cornflakes
  • 225g/8oz Semi-Sweet Cooking Chocolate
  • 110g/4oz Salted Butter
  • 2 Tablespoons Golden Syrup


1. Chop the chocolate into smallish pieces. Put it into a heat-proof bowl with the butter and golden syrup, and put it over a pan of boiling water (but DON'T let the water touch the bottom of the bowl) to melt the mixture. (This is a Bain Marie)

Melt The Chocolate, Butter And Syrup In a Bain Marie
Melt The Chocolate, Butter And Syrup In a Bain Marie

2. When the mixture is melted, combine with the cornflakes in a bowl and mix thoroughly.

Combine The Melted Ingredients With The Corn Flakes
Combine The Melted Ingredients With The Corn Flakes

3. Put the mixture into paper cake cups in a muffin tin and decorate with Smarties or small chocolate eggs, for example. Leave to set.

Put The Nests Into Cake Cases, Decorate And Leave to Set
Put The Nests Into Cake Cases, Decorate And Leave to Set

Serving suggestions: I use semi-sweet chocolate, but you could use any other good quality cooking chocolate that you like. You can also make this as one large cake in a lined 8" cake pan.

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