Antipasta, created by Anna-Maria Ross. Copyright 2018 Anna-Maria Ross, all rights reserved.
Anti-pasta / Antipasta / Antepasta / Antipasti - However you spell it, it's a great way to start a special family meal!
Salmon Fishcakes Ready To Serve
Salmon Fishcakes Ready To Serve

This is a great, quick dish for any day of the year, not just Friday.


  • 4lb Potatoes
  • 2 cans (approximately 400-450g or 1lb) Tinned Red Salmon
  • 1 Large White Onion
  • Bread Crumbs/Panko Bread Crumbs


1. Peel and grate the onion, using the coarse side of the grater. Put the grated onion into a sieve to drain the onion juice. You need to remove as much onion juice as possible otherwise the fishcakes will be too mushy when they`re cooked.

Drain The Juice From The Grated Onion And Remove The Skin And Bones From The Salmon

A Large Onion Can Contain A Lot Of Juice, And You Need To Drain As Much Away As Possible
A Large Onion Can Contain A Lot Of Juice, And You Need To Drain As Much Away As Possible

2. Peel the potatoes, cut them into small pieces and boil them in salted water until they break up when you push a sharp knife into them.

3. Drain the potatoes thoroughly, again to stop the fishcakes from being mushy.

4. Drain the salmon and remove the skin and bones.

5. In a large bowl put the potatoes, salmon and onion in layers, so that the flavours are even all the way through the fishcakes. Use a potato masher to combine thoroughly.

Layer The Potato, Salmon And Onion In a Bowl

Mix The Layers Of Potato, Salmon And Onion Thoroughly
Mix The Layers Of Potato, Salmon And Onion Thoroughly

6. While the mixture is still warm take out handfuls and shape into fishcakes. Make them whatever size you want - the ones in the photos are about 3 1/2" across.

7. On a plate pour some breadcrumbs (I always use Panko) and carefully cover the fishcakes in them.

Put The Fishcakes Onto A Plate To Dry
Form The Mixture Into Fishcakes And Cover Them With Breadcrumbs

8. Put the fishcakes onto a plate scattered with breadcrumbs and leave them overnight to dry. I wouldn't advise putting them in the fridge as they will go pappy and soggy.

Put The Fishcakes Onto A Plate To Dry Overnight

9. To serve, shallow fry in vegetable oil (NOT olive oil) until they are golden brown.


Fry The Fishcakes In Vegetable Oil Until They're Golden
Fry The Fishcakes In Vegetable Oil Until They're Golden

Serving suggestion: I always serve these fishcakes with a green salad and crusty bread.

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